About Me
Welcome to my website, designed for all those who are interested in developing great teaching and learning on Religion and Worldviews.
I am an experienced, well-established education consultant and trainer based in the Midlands. My subject specialism is Religious Education and for many years I have been working with primary and secondary schools to support the development of outstanding RE.
I am presently engaged in producing high quality RE syllabuses for LAs and academies. Based on key concepts under-pinning religion and worldviews, these provide teachers with detailed content for each year backed up with clear plans for every unit. The emphasis is on progression, continuity and coherence. Feedback from teachers is overwhelmingly positive, largely due to the clear direction provided and the time saving aspect of the built-in planning and content.

This is an exciting direction for me to take and already it has opened the door to working with many new partners. Collaborating on projects linked to RE syllabuses can only enrich what is already in place and be good news for teachers!
My key message is: 'Keep it simple.' This does not mean sacrificing rigour. It means producing materials that are accessible to teachers and pupils and which result in high quality outcomes.
Do get in touch so that we can discuss the ways in which I can support your school, MAT or LA.